It appears that more couples are finding it increasingly difficult to conceive and fertility clinics are busier than ever before.
Establishing a career, being financially secure, having money for a certain lifestyle, travel, paying off a home/car and further study has delayed the decision to start a family. The physical, mental and emotional stresses that this places on couples further compromises their ability to conceive.
Adding to this are the findings that not just women but men also experience a decline in fertility. Older eggs and sperm reduce the chance of conception and pregnancy and increase the risk of babies born with conditions such as Down Syndrome. An excellent article in the Medical Journal of Australia highlights the issues that couples are likely to face.
Chinese medicine has a long history of use for fertility with records dating back to 200 AD showing the use of herbs to treat infertility and miscarriage. Herbs are effective for both men and women with biomedical or western medical effect of improved sperm counts, motility and morphology for men and thickened endometrial lining, support through the luteal phase to maintain progesterone levels and help to protect against miscarriage in women.
The herbal treatments are further enhanced by acupuncture treatments which improve blood flow to the uterus, reduce stress levels and maintain general health and well being.
Both the herbs and acupuncture treatments are compatible with any treatments offered by western fertility clinics.The added benefit of regular Chinese medicine treatments is the maintenance of health and well being right through the pregnancy to improving labour and delivery.
Serendip offers couples high quality treatments for fertility. As a midwife endorsed by the Queensland Nursing Council, Waveny Holland has the benefit of expertise in both Chinese and western medicine.