Chinese medicine treatment for migraine and neck pain has recently been in the news. Disguised as "new," the cold laser therapy or low level laser therapy (LLLT) as seen on the current affairs programs show the doctor using laser on the acupuncture points and channels in the neck to treat migraine and neck pain.
Many Chinese medicine practitioners including those at Serendip Natural Healing and Wellness Centre have been offering this treatment for several years. Laser acupuncture has been used by Chinese Medicine practitioners since the 1970s.
The safest option for people suffering these conditions is to choose a practitioner who is trained in Chinese medicine as well as in the therapeutic use of lasers. There are many therapists who use acupuncture or "dry needling" - another term used for acupuncture, and lasers who have little, inappropriate, or no training in these modalities. If the practitioner is not a member of a professional association for Chinese medicine practitioners such as AACMA, they may not have adequate training in these fields.
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