Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight seems to be a big problem for many people. Obesity is not restricted to adults but children of today are overweight due to poor eating habits, eating refined foods with high levels of fats, sugars and starches and more sedentary lifestyles sitting in front of televisions, video game consoles and computers rather than participating in outdoor activities, sports and dance. Stress is also another contributor to weight gain.
The effects of weight gain on the body is well documented with increase in type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure and heart disease at the top of the list.
Chinese medicine - acupuncture and herbs -provides an effective treatment for overweight people when combined with appropriate diet and nutrition and exercise.
Acupuncture needles are inserted into the body and ears to stimulate the acupuncture points to increase metabolism, improve digestion and promote bowel movements. Other acupuncture points are needled to help with the emotional distress and poor self esteem associated with being overweight.The natural wear and tear on the body supporting an increased weight can lead to skeletal problems, for example low back pain and knee pain which can also be effectively treated with acupuncture.
In some cases electro-acupuncture is used to further stimulate the acupuncture points on the abdomen and specially designed press pellets may be applied to acupuncture points in the ears so that the points can be stimulated during the day to help curb food cravings and appropriately suppress appetite.
Chinese herbal medicines are used in between acupuncture treatments to continue to stimulate digestion and enhance metabolism. Herb formulas used by practitioners at Serendip are safe, environmentally friendly, free of any heavy metals and approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Other vital components of a weight loss and maintenance program is an eating plan to provide adequate nutrition and a suitable exercise program which helps with fat burning, improve cardiovascular health and overall body fitness.
The benefits of losing weight and maintaining that weight loss, improves the quality of life and protects against the lifestyle diseases that are associated with being overweight.
Please contact us at the clinic to make an appointment if you would like effective help in losing weight.
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